Poultry Solutions

Our solutions are evidence-based as well as innovative to boost your bird business. Whether you are producing or supporting the production of many birds a week, or managing a smaller operation.
Poultry Performance and Productivity Challenges
With poultry projected to overtake pork by 2020 as the leading source of protein worldwide, the industry needs to deliver greater quantities of meat quickly. Meeting changing consumer expectations and mitigating risk for food safety and quality, all the while reducing the use of antibiotics, is also a challenge. No matter how many birds per week you are producing, you can depend on our innovative, proven solutions to support bird performance.
Since only 3 percent of the poultry population qualify as breeding stock, the tendency is to look for the same nutritional solutions for breeders as for broilers. But that is a wrong approach.

Chicken Premixes
Our customized premixes are supplied and brought from countries such as Jordan and Egypt using state-of-the-art operations and best practices.
- Eco product
- 100% organic
- High quality
Poultry Supplements
A complete range of vitamins and minerals are vital to the health and vitality of poultry, helping to eradicate disease and produce healthier, stronger birds. Our supplement range can provide the essential vitamins and minerals for optimum feed conversion and growth, help stimulate appetite and improve nutrient absorption during periods of nutritional imbalance.
- High quality
- Natural product without GMO
- Beneficial features